
T在这里 are several diffe租金 types of assistance available for varying types of applicants. The list below acts as a guide for what each organization offers.

For updated information on all flood resources please visit the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development website: 强风暴资源中心.

For updated information on flood resources for agricultural operations, 请访问佛蒙特州农业局 水浸灾难应变及恢复资源.


U.S. 小企业管理局(SBA)贷款


Businesses and certain Private Non-Profit organizations (PNPs) 在佛蒙特州 that do not provide “critical” services of a 政府ernmental nature may be eligible to apply for low-interest disaster loans for damages as a result of severe storm, 洪水, 发生山体滑坡和泥石流 2024年7月9日至11日.

Businesses and PNP organizations may borrow up to $2 million to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate, 机械设备, 库存, 和其他经营资产. 利率是3.25%,期限长达30年.

2024 SBA Physical Damage Funding: Applications are due October 21, 2024


SBA provides recovery loans for businesses who experienced losses not covered by insurance or funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency for both personal and business. These losses must be business operating expenses that could have been met had the disaster not occurred.

Businesses may borrow up to $2 million for working capital and normal expenses such as the continuation of health care benefits, 租金, 公用事业公司, 以及固定债务支付. 利率高达4%,期限长达30年.


2024 SBA Economic Injury Funding: Applications are due May 20, 2025


小企业管理局还提供 缓解援助. This assistance is supplied through an increase in one of the specified disaster loans.

有关小企业管理局灾难援助的更多信息,请 点击这里.



The Biden Administration approved Governor Phil Scott’s request for a FEMA major disaster declaration for Vermont to assist individuals and communities in recovering from 洪水 that occurred from 2024年7月9日至11日.


This provides funding for individuals in Addison County to apply to FEMA for assistance. IA helps individuals and households impacted by the disaster seek some reimbursement for necessary expenses and serious needs that cannot be met through insurance or other forms of assistance. To apply for IA funds, impacted Vermonters in the eligible counties should register at DisasterAssistance.政府 或拨打1-800-621-3362. Even if you have previously reported damage to 2-1-1, you must register with and apply to FEMA. 


该宣言还包括资助城市, towns and “critical” non-profit organizations in Addison County to repair and restore public infrastructure damaged by the floods. The Public Assistance program allows communities to receive 75% reimbursement for emergency storm repairs to public infrastructure. 城镇申请人简介会将于近期安排及公布.

PNPs which provide “non-critical” services of a 政府ernmental nature must first apply for disaster assistance from SBA, 用尽小企业管理局的贷款援助, or be declined by SBA before seeking grant assistance for permanent repairs and/or replacements from FEMA.


联邦应急管理局有灾难恢复中心 几个地方 在佛蒙特州. The nearest to Addison County are Hinesburg Town Hall and Brighton Town Hall Gym. 他们每周7天从早上8点到晚上7点营业. Visit a FEMA Disaster Recovery Center to learn more about disaster assistance programs, 找出你的联邦应急管理局申请的状态, and get answers to other questions regarding federal assistance.

For more information on FEMA 公共基础设施 assistance, and PNP designations, please visit 联邦紧急事务管理局(FEMA)网页.



The 企业紧急缺口援助计划(BEGAP) is a State of Vermont grant program for businesses and nonprofits that suffered physical damage from 洪水 events in 2023 and 2024. 这包括农场和地主.

BEGAP资金按实际地点发放, and separate applications need to be submitted for each physical location. A business or nonprofit can receive grants for up to three physical locations, per flood year.



The application window closes September 30, 2024 for properties affected by the 2023 floods.


如果您是农业企业,请访问 Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (AAFM) website for guidance 申请前.  如果农业企业有问题,他们可以发邮件: agr.floodresponse@vermont.政府

一个预先录制的 网络研讨会 is available to demonstrate the application process and answer several FAQs. 网络研讨会的幻灯片可供观看 在这里.

所有寻求BEGAP援助的申请人, 包括翻译, can receive help from the Central Vermont Economic Development Corporation (CVEDC), BEGAP的全州技术援助提供者. 填写他们的 支持请求表格 他们会继续提供资源帮助.

For more information on BEGAP, please visit the Vermont Agency of Commerce 商业紧急缺口援助计划(BEGAP)网页



The state resource for farmers is the Vermont Agency of Agriculture 水浸灾难应变及恢复资源. An additional state level source of funding not included on this page is the Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont. They provide two types of grants to qualifying organic farmers. 更多信息,请访问 农民紧急基金网页

A federal resource for farmers seeking disaster assistance can be found on the United States Department of Agriculture webpage, 保护与恢复. 在这里, USDA provides a custom search tool to find appropriate relief programs, 以及完整的资源列表.



统一的方式 of Addison County has established a relief fund to support residents who have experienced home and/or property damage from this summer’s rainfall and need financial assistance. This fund is made possible 在某种程度上 thanks to a contribution from the VT洪水响应 & 复苏基金 佛蒙特社区基金会的. 申请最高1,500美元的资助截止日期为2024年10月1日. 欲了解更多信息,请访问联合劝募会 艾迪生县回应:洪水救济网页